This week has really been a mess and the dirty sheets and towels and cleaning up after children, sick ones has been my life. Sweet hubby came home after a two week trip and shared more than his wonderful looks and awesome personality, yes, the dreaded stomach virus. We all went to IHOP, ate like there was no tomorrow, (uh oh 24 day challenge) and in the night it hit him, and i wanted to. No, really, I wanted to. He said it was food poisoning, I knew better...Ever heard of "Reap what you sow"? Well, I ate some crow.
I'm making a confession, I am a terrible nurse, when it comes to a sick husband. I'm great with kids, but I've always had this resentment that he gets to go to bed when sick and I have to do the same thing i always do. So i grumbled and such, and fast forward to Monday morning and I'm no longer able to function. Thankfully I have a husband that is truly full of grace, or at least he is now. He is truly amazing and He took really good care of me and the house. then my son got it and last but not least, the baby of the family, although she is 9, she's the baby. She is still sick, 4 days and counting. So now, I ask forgiveness from God and start over and make sure I take my "in sickness and in health vow "again. Aren't we so blessed that God is a God of do-overs? I know I am.
See, lately, I've been out of sorts, with my quiet time, I mean. And when this happens, I go back to what works, or what really gets me back in the routine. An online Bible Study. I'm reading "Living So That" and it's totally based on scripture. Really diving into God's word, which is the food we need to live in this messy, yucky world, it's His guide to survival, actually to really living the full life He created us for. it's just week one and our first conference call is tonight! I'm so excited! I did one of these for the first time about 3 years ago. My husband had lost his job, we were staring at each other every day and resentment on both sides was building up. But God sent me wonderful sisters, virtual sisters to build me back up and get me walking again and smiling again. Isn't God just like that? First He sent me Jen, from "Finding Heaven". If you haven't read her blog, you must immediately. She has a heart for Jesus like I've never seen. She has had life deal her some yuck, but God has redeemed and restored and she is now writing a book. In fact, her button is at the bottom of my blog, sol de gloria!
Next, He sent me a link to Proverbs 31 ministries, online Bible Study, Wendy Blight was the author. I can't remember the right name for the book but I think it's "Hidden Joy in a Dark Corner". This book taught me how to pray God's word back to Him, to choose a topic that I needed help on, maybe a fruit of the Spirit like patience . Then look up in the reference for verses on patience and put them in prayer form. Changed my life!!! She encouraged me to step out and try new things, and really changed my prayer life. I encourage you to read it, as soon as possible. God may begin to ask you to do things out of your comfort zone but He will equip you to do the task. I know...
Fast forward to another hard time and I picked up the book 1000 gifts and I've never been the same!! I have since read it 5 times, listened to it at least 15 times and have dome 3 book studies on it. Every time I read it, I hear something i missed or maybe I didn't really need it at the time I read it last. Ann Voskamp has an amazing blog too, an amazing writer and Jesus follower, it's called "A Holy Experience". so now, you have a few ideas. And last is Girlfriends Coffee Hour. I got invited on Facebook and accepted. I had no idea that I would become a blogger and writer, all because of a lady that believed in me. She and a few others prayed over my family and broke the chains of spiritual warfare and prayed my husband a job that would finally get us on our feet. I still blog for them, so look them up. And most of all, keep His word close. For weeks like this one, when I couldn't do this on my strength alone, He guides my steps, He gives me courage and joy when I don't think it's possible. My God is the God of Impossible. What is your impossible today? Are you ready to believe He can and will do it for you? Whats stopping you from handing it over? Praying for you today that you can leave it all at His feet, and let Him fill you with all He has to give!