Monday, April 30, 2012

His mysterious ways

This past week has been stressful to say the least. A little background? My mom has been really sick. She's been sick for a while. Since December she's had no energy. No desire to do anything. Since my dads Alzheimer's diagnosis she's shut down. She's used to being cared for. Not caring for. See in her 40s she had two heart attacks. Actually at my age really. So she subconsciously hoped to check out so she wouldn't have to watch my dad. Her sweetest husband. Godly man go down like she thinks he will.
Now on to the rest of the story. God is faithful. He will get our attention. And it may be in a way that we aren't find of. So mom goes in the hospital. She was swollen all over. Arms legs torso and fluid was everywhere. She had an emergency blood transfusion. Then lots of diuretics The miracle happened the first night in the hospital. God prompted me to call my pastor and neighbor in jackson ms. ( all this time I'm stuck in Pensacola) he shows up to speak truth to them and pray with them. While he was there my mom confessed that she didn't know for sure if she was going to heaven. The enemy was defeated that night and another life won for Jesus christ. Praise Him for this trial. Praise Him for her surrendering to Him. And for hearing all the prayers going up in our behalf. Peace is with us and there's proof that He works all for good!
In Him

Friday, April 20, 2012

When your tithe isn't supposed to hurt

Our tithe actually put our account in overdraft frenzy. An act of faith. But I'm taking this as a learning experience and I welcome His lesson in all of it and I still give in faith because my Father demands it. It's not my money really. It's His. I love how He always gives us what we need. I admit lately I have fallen short of what's expected if me but in His eyes I'm ok. I'm still loved and lovable. Praise Jesus. I don't feel like it today. I feel like a failure. Like I can try and try but can't get it right. What's so hard about balancing a checkbook? My accounting teacher would be so disappointed. Sorry mrs Arnold. So I get back up. Dust off the shame and ask for strength to try again. For I only truly fail when I quit. Need prayers today for anything? I'm honored to pray for you!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The zoo

All Gods creatures have a place in the choir. We went to the zoo today with the school. First grade class. My sweet first grader. I concluded today that the investment of time that we put into our children is the most important investment we will ever make. I love knowing that whether I'm there with m or not she knows God is watching and that's enough to keep her respectful of others and especially adults. So train up a child in the way they should go and when they're on a field trip at the zoo without u. They will be sweet and respectful of others in charge. Thank you sweet girl for a really fun day.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Palm Sunday

Jesus told His disciples to go get a colt and tell them the Lord sent them to get it. He rode through the town , shouts from the crowds hosanna in the highest !!! Palm branches on the streets. Everyone laying down everything at His feet. I'm laying. Everything at His feet. I'm laying my life at His feet. May we not be the same a week from now.