Friday, April 20, 2012

When your tithe isn't supposed to hurt

Our tithe actually put our account in overdraft frenzy. An act of faith. But I'm taking this as a learning experience and I welcome His lesson in all of it and I still give in faith because my Father demands it. It's not my money really. It's His. I love how He always gives us what we need. I admit lately I have fallen short of what's expected if me but in His eyes I'm ok. I'm still loved and lovable. Praise Jesus. I don't feel like it today. I feel like a failure. Like I can try and try but can't get it right. What's so hard about balancing a checkbook? My accounting teacher would be so disappointed. Sorry mrs Arnold. So I get back up. Dust off the shame and ask for strength to try again. For I only truly fail when I quit. Need prayers today for anything? I'm honored to pray for you!


  1. Kim, we are in the same SDG group. Looking forward to connecting.

    I have been there. I am horrible about transposing numbers and more than once I have done it and messed up my bank account and one it caused a tithe check to bounce. I felt awful. But God offers grace. Tell Him you are sorry and work to fix it. God knows your heart.

  2. Kim, I cannot balance a checkbook either. I always lose something - sometimes big and sometimes small. It's okay, though. God knew He would have kids with accounting challenges!

    Looking forward to being in SDG group with you.
