Sunday, March 31, 2013

When Easter is over and you're still hurting ( and tomorrow is Monday)

The service was amazing and the beautiful plastic eggs have all been found and you're not feeling anything but ugly inside. There's such an excitement and fun tradition in dying eggs and making baskets and talking about the cross and His death. The tomb is empty and so are you. Maybe it's finances and you've been able to forget for just today. Maybe it's your marriage or depression or illness. How can we stay grateful for His sacrifice? A friend has just started Chemo and she's young 30 something. Her son is young too. Why does this world take mothers from their children. Why do fathers who taught you everything have to start forgetting everything. And why do marriages end and first wives are left suffering. Of friends, Jesus came and lived here through all of this. He suffered and died and stays with us today. He is walking through all you're walking through and He's never going to leave you.

The enemy came to steal and kill and destroy and Jesus came so that we may have life. Abundant life.

So I pray this week as you trudge dear friend, know that there are more broken people than put together ones. Jesus came for the broken and you don't have to clean up to meet Him. He meets you where you are.

This life feels unfair. It is. Women who stick with husbands through the hard only to have him turn to another. And she has it hard and she trudged thru the hard financial times of young marriage and now he's has it all without her. Jesus knows and He weeps with you. God bottles your tears. Please cry out to the one Who loves you and is your bridegroom forever. He will NEVER leave you or forsake you.

Tomorrows a new day. He lives so you can face it. Because He lives!!!


  1. More broken people than together ones.
    Thinking that maybe we are less broken than we are unrealistic. Do we ever get over expecting things to be easy?

    1. No we don't. I just mean we all need grace. We all need Jesus to keep us together. And He meets us right where we are. In the midst of addictions and adultery and any sin. He came to give us life!:)

  2. Life is unfair and hard, but we can expect triumphs eventually...I think that is what you are trying to say here.

    1. I'm saying here that it's ok to admit we are not perfect and that Jesus came for the not perfect. Church is full of people needing Jesus and admitting it. Satan will be defeated. We will be with Jesus for eternity! Praising Him today. !

  3. There is certainly truth in these words spoken here. I feel these words, we are so blessed to be children of God and know that there is more waiting for us beyond this earth. Good thought don't you think?

    1. Yes Marlee. I so agree!! It's such a gift to be His and to KNOW IT!!! Don't you want to scream it to everyone? He loves everyone. This life is liveable because He's with us every step if the way. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Lovely post, Kim - and yes - because He is with us (and His Spirit in us), we live...

    Thank you for your post affirming this.
