Friday, May 16, 2014

When You Have to Embrace Change

So the only constant is God. He never changes and this gives me peace. But everything else? Well, I don't have to tell you, that time flies and that child that you encouraged to take their first steps has been walking towards their future and you can't stop it, no matter how bad you want to. Isn't what we raise them to do? Haven;t we been on our knees, praying for this precious one that God has entrusted to us that they will grow spiritually and be prepared for whatever life brings? And now life brings graduation. It seems like yesterday that she wouldn't let go of my hand at the kindergarden tea and really preferred to have friends over instead of going away. And even in high school, she wasn't really a camp person, because she couldn't bring me with her. And the feeling is mutual, she is my heart. and I wish her the best!

I have never been good with change. I cried every promotion Sunday because I didm;t want a new teacher. (embarrassed my mom so much she made dad take me) And now, I'm packing up not one but two of my babies in August and moving them to the beginning of a new chapter! I have done my job and now it's their turn. With the love of Jesus in their hearts and the relationship they both have with Him, the sky is the limit and I can rest easy knowing they are in good Hands. But I will miss them being in mine.

So, thank You Jesus, for giving them to me to raise. For letting me be the one that fixed their breakfast and read stories to them at nap time, for the memories of the lazy days we spent together and watching them taste honeysuckle. Thank You for their little hands that loved to finger paint and make barbie houses out of cardboard, that made bean bags with socks and rocks and held mine so tightly when they needed security. You allowed me to be home with them and raise them to love You and to be there when they took their first steps and all the ones after. You gave me the wisdom  and the words to say when no words would really help, those hard adolescent years when feeling were hurt and they questioned who they were. And when the world told them they were less than, You told them they were worthy. So now, as they step into the next chapter of their lives, when I won't be there physically, I have peace knowing that You are everywhere and they can never go too far away from You, and if they start to stray, You will always gently bring them back. Help them remember what they've learned and to keep You first always and the rest will fall into place. And last, but not least, help me to let go and to trust that You have this. In Your precious name I pray, amen.

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