Monday, August 22, 2011

Im not ready but she is

Im not ready for her to go to first grade. I want to freeze time or go back. Why is she seven ? I should be excited that she is independent. She is well adjusted. She is ready to go. Im not ready to let her. Shes always been here. Always present. My student. Her brothers classmate. Tomorrow she will be one of 22. She will have to stand in line for water. She will have to raise her hand to speak. She is important. She is beautiful. She is wonderfully created by God. Shes mine. Shes perfect . She is funny. She is forgiving. She is sensitive to others. She is my snuggler. She will be missed.
Im questioning my decision to send her to school instead of homeschoolong her again. I let others influence my decision . I would love to hear His voice above all otherd. Til then I will be praying her thru her first day away from me. I will wait not so patiently for 2:45. I would love comments . She is my heart. Now my hearts breaking. This is hard. God is my strength. He will lead me beside still waters and restore my soul.
praise Him. He will see me thru.
In Him, Kim