Monday, October 26, 2015

He Knew...Me

Galatians 5:1
"Christ has liberated us to be free. Stand firm then and don’t submit again to a yoke of slavery."

Funny...that word "again" in that verse. It's like He knows that we were once slaves to something. Oh, but you say, "I've never been a slave to anyone or anything!" Really? 

Think about that for a moment, will you? I was once a slave to low self esteem. I can remember sitting in a pew at church and looking around me, seeing all the women that I wished I could be. Either they were prettier or smaller, or richer, or had more children. Maybe they had the perfect house or the perfect husband. I couldn't really know. All I knew was that I didn't want to be me...well, if I could pick and choose the parts that I wanted to keep? 

I had a good husband with a good job. I had two beautiful girls that I loved more than life and a house in a neighborhood where I had always wanted to live. How much more did I need? And most of all, more important than anything else, I had a God who loved me and created me all for His pleasure. Because He wanted to be with me. He wanted to spend time with me. He created me to be exactly who I am and He gave me this best life that was just for me. 

Sp when those lies of the enemy are louder than His, turn the volume down on the world. Unplug and reconnect to the Source that gives life to every part of your soul. God! I'm reminded that He likes the way that I place the playing before the picking up and that loving little ones always came before laundry. He thought the cardboard Barbie house that I made with my oldest was pretty spectacular and so did she. 

He was impressed when I gave up my control over my life, after so many times of trying to get free from strongholds and was so overjoyed when I put Him before it all again. No matter how far I went away, He never moved and never will. Jesus is the answer to everything and our Creator gave Him to us and forever and ever we are His. 

Are you struggling today? Do you know that God knew exactly who you would be today when He created you and He went through with it,? There is nothing about you that He doesn't know. So today, pray to accept yourself for you. Ask God to help you love yourself again. I used to ask my baby girl who was the most awesome kid in her class was and her answer was alway "me silly!" like who else would it be? that is how we should answer that same yourself, love yourself, accept yourself and thank God for making you YOU! 
Let us pray: Dear God, thank You so much for creating each one of us for a purpose. Each season may bring different things but You are not surprised by any of it. You know our personalities and You embrace all of us. Oh Lord, help us to do the same. Help us to love ourselves and to accept all of the things that make us who we are. I pray that you will search each one of us often and reveal those things that we need to work on and confess to You. Forgive us Lord for comparing ourselves to others and for doubting Your sovereignty. We love You and praise You. And for those today who are so full of hurt and regret, help them to find forgiveness for themselves. For You sent Jesus to die for it all.
Hear us Lord, In jesus name, amen